NAME____________________________ DATE______________CLASS________­


Objectives:  Understand the function and nature of Carbohydrates

Sub-objectives:  health and carbohydrates


CARBOHYDRATES come in two basic forms: complex and simple. Simple carbs are one, two, or at most three units of sugar linked together in single molecules. Complex carbs are hundreds or thousands of sugar units linked together in single molecules. Simple sugars are easily identified by their taste: sweet. Complex carbs, such as potatoes, are pleasant to the taste buds, but not sweet.

There are two groups of complex carbs: high fiber and low fiber. High-fiber, complex carbs are not digestible, at least not by human beings, because we do not have the enzyme to do the job. Cows have that enzyme; that is why they can get calories out of grass, and we cannot. The main stuff in high-fiber, complex carbs which is indigestible by humans is called "CELLULOSE."

High-fiber (high-cellulose) vegetable foods are the healthiest choices for human nutrition, and intake of these foods is associated with lowered incidences of hypertension, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, etc. Examples are lettuce and broccoli. Examples of low-fiber, complex carbs are banana, tomato, squash and all cereals and grains (therefore bread and pasta), potatoes and rice.

It matters not if a carb is simple or complex. After digestion, it appears in the circulatory system in the simple form, as glucose, on its way to the cells where it is used for energy. To be transformed into simple sugars, complex carbs must be digested by the ENZYME amylase. Amylase is secreted by the salivary glands, which empty into the mouth, and by the pancreas, which empties into the head of the duodenum.

Simple sugars and low-fiber, complex carbs represent a threat to health when they are consumed in inappropriate amounts such as may occur in low-soy, vegetarian diets where they are being eaten to replace the calories which would ordinarily come from PROTEIN.

Processing of plant food strips away its fiber and/or vitamin content. A simple example of processing is cutting an orange in two pieces, pressing the juice into a glass and discarding the fiber.

While it is true that fiber is an important part of your diet, even necessary to protect you from some diseases, carbohydrates themselves are not necessary. There are "essential" fatty acids and "essential" amino acids (from protein), however there are no known essential carbohydrates.

Most of our carbohydrates come from cereals and grains, both products of the agricultural revolution. Our bodies are not genetically designed to thrive on large amounts of these fiberless complex carbs. With the popularity of cereal- and grain-based "health diets," carbohydrate metabolism has been upset in approximately 3/4 of the population which simply cannot handle this large load of carbs. Increased insulin output from the pancreas, over the years, results in hyperinsulinism, insulin resistance and the resulting diseases mentioned above: hypertension, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Complex carbs with lots of fiber should be consumed in proper proportion for maximum health and vitality. Complex carbs with lots of fiber are rich sources of necessary vitamins and minerals as well as enzymes when in the raw state. The problem happens when carbohydrates are altered by processes which provide empty calories stripped of much of their original food value.

I should also mention the relationship between simple sugars and mucus formation. The biochemical name for mucus is mucopolysaccharide. This literally means "mucus of many sugars," and it tells us how mucus is formed through the linking together of sugar molecules. If you have a condition, such as asthma or emphysema, in which mucus is part of the problem, you can do yourself a lot of good by stopping your intake of simple sugars and lowering your intake of complex carbohydrates (which convert to simple sugars upon digestion). Unfortunately, this means such wonderful sweet fruits as plums, peaches, apples, etc., must go along with breads, pastas and pastries.

The most healthy form of sugar is the complex carbohydrates present in high-fiber vegetables; however, it is certainly acceptable to spice up your diet in moderation with simple sugars in the form of whole fruits — unless, of course, you are trying to avoid mucus formation. Eat your fruits, do not juice them and drink them.  Eating the whole fruit results in the inclusion of natural fiber, which allows proper absorption of sugars. If you must have juice, dilute it with twice the recommended amount of water, so as to get the taste without overdosing on simple sugars.

Instructions: Please number the lines in the article, highlight concepts and terms, and place notes along the margins. (5 pts.)


Please write answers to all the questions, except the multiple choice or fill in the blanks, on a separate sheet of paper and incorporate the question in your answers.

  1. Define and use all underlined words in a sentence. (5 pts.)
  2. Create a divided page graphic organizer study guide using the CAPITALIZED bold type words. (10 pts.) 
  3. Simple carbohydrates are either?  Circle the best answer.  Cite the sentence and paragraph in the article, page in the textbook, or other source. (6 pts.)
    1. Sweet or sour
    2. Simple or complex
    3. Hard or soft
    4. Good or bad
  1. What is the difference between a “simple” and a “complex” carbohydrate? (10 pts.)


  1. The complex carbohydrate that is indigestible by people is called? (6 pts.)
    1. Glucose
    2. Glycogen
    3. Cellulose
    4. Starch
  1. The name of the enzyme that digests complex carbohydrates is called ________________________.  It is


       secreted  by the _________________________glands and by the ___________________________. (7 pts.)


7.   The biochemical name of mucus is _______________________________________. (6 pts.)


  1. Illustrate the amino functional group. (10 pts.)


  1. List several carbohydrates you eat that are either high fiber or low fiber and estimate which ones you may eat 

       more of during a typical week. (10 pts.)


  1. Draw or illustrate the process by which glucose and fructose, two monosaccharides, are converted to sucrose, a   

       polysaccharide through a condensation reaction. (25 pts.)


Extra Credit:  (2pts. each)

1.        What is the pancreas?

2.        What is the chemical formula for glucose?

3.        What is the duodenum?

4.        What is a vitamin?

5.        What is insulin?  


Research Questions: List source (book, article, author, web page, etc.) (15 pts.)

Write a one page paper about the affects of carbohydrates on diabetes or heart disease.  Use a graphic organizer to organizer your information.